Sue Central Intelligence Agency Over "Illegal Experimentation"
Written by Alberta Rose Jones, October 27,
2010, Copyright Protected
United States Nuremberg Violations
Veterans Sue Central Intelligence Agency Over "Illegal Experimentation"
by Alberta Rose Jones, October 27, 2010, Copyright Protected
Several years ago I looked at the federal
case against the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) when the CIA was sued by individuals who had illegally been given
LSD in Los Angeles.
The case was initiated in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California.
I was saddened when I read the file - the original file. I am going to go over the file again. From what
I remember, the case was dismissed by the judge because of lack of evidence or the statute of limitations had run out. This
saddened me. These individuals should have been compensated by the United States of America for their suffering. They
were not.
The following below information is taken from
The CIA violated the Nuremberg
Code for medical ethics by sponsoring experiments on
unwitting subjects. Ironically, Dr. Cameron was a member of the Nuremberg tribunal that heard the case against Nazi war criminals
who committed atrocities during World War II.
Like the Nazi doctors at Dachau, the CIA victimized certain groups of people, who were unable to
resist: prisoners, mental patients, foreigners, the terminally ill, sexual deviants, ethnic minorities.
project took place at the Addiction Research center of the US Public Health Service Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky. Lexington
was ostensibly a place where heroin addicts could go to shake a habit, and although it was officially a penitentiary, all
the inmates were referred to as patients.
The patients had their own way of referring to the doctors, hacks or croakers,
who patrolled the premises in military uniforms. The patients at Lexington had no way of knowing that it was one of 15 penal
and mental institutions utilized by the CIA in
its super-secret drug development program.
To conceal its role the Agency enlisted the aid of
the navy and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), which served as conduits for channeling money to Dr. Harris Isbell,
a gung-ho research scientist who remained on the CIA payroll
for over a decade.
According to CIA documents the directors of NIMH and the National Institutes of Health were fully
cognizant of the Agency's interest in Isbell's work and offered full support and protection.
It appears
our federal judges may finally be listening to the needs of our citizens. It is a crime to illegally use anyone as a
test subject without their knowledge or express permission. How many more of these type of experiments do we have? It
was just uncovered that the United States of America was involved in testing subjects in Guatemala. Read below from the Los
Angeles Times:
Between 1946 and 1948, the agency then known as the U.S. Public Health Service infected Guatemalan
sex workers, prison inmates, and mental health patients with syphilis. The program was conducted in order to examine whether
penicillin, relatively new at the time, could be used to treat the disease. It was led by John Cutler, the U.S. doctor who
later led the infamous Tuskegee experiment, in which African American men in Alabama infected with syphilis were observed
without receiving treatment.
We now have a chance
to make things right. This is the recent order issued in the case of Vietnam Veterans of America et al v. CIA, et al.
United States District Court Case No. C 09-0037 CW. Lets hope the real truth is exposed. The United States of America
should not be allowed to violate the Nuremberg Code for medical
ethics by sponsoring experiments on unwitting subjects.
I do believe testing is still ongoing by the CIA, Department of Defense, National Institute of Health..
the new drug is "meth." Methamphetamine is an epidemic in the United States. What kind of testing? Anti-psychotics
are used to "calm" down drug addicts. The United States needs test subjects. We are in bed with the
pharmaceutical industry. Where do they get the test subjects? Look at California. The top jails in California
all have "mental wards." These individuals are force medicated. California now says that all "drug
and alcohol" addicts are mentally ill and have to be force medicated. Where did this come from? Maybe the
CIA?? Who knows. Time will tell.
If this case against the CIA and military gets to trial and the truth
is exposed, lets hope our government has learned their lesson.
"Man shall be free to live by no man's leave under the sun." Nuremberg Trials' Statement |